Monday, January 04, 2010

The past and the future

The past seems to be giving me the future in so many ways. This year I will be doing fewer bead fairs, and more events and work based on historic items. It has been so gratifying to have my work appreciated on many levels, from archaeologists and museums to re-enactors and history enthusiasts.

I find that beads can be such a compelling aspect of life that everything starts to look like a bead. I always try to keep my sketchbook handy to note down various bead ideas, and have given some thought to publishing some of the designs as small cards or postcards.

This month is devoted mostly to preparing for February, which has three major historic venues where I will be with my beads. I haven't forgotten the contemporary beads that are still a significant part of my glass life, and will work to keep a balance between the two this month.

Exciting times ahead for glassy goodness.

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