Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Cloaking devices and visibility online

It's an eternal issue, how do I get myself seen online? It may be a vanity thing, you have a blog and want people to read your words of deep thoughts and high goals. You may simply want to have people see a story of your life, your work, your family or your predilection for wearing odd clothing or driving unusual vehicles.

There's the blog, like this. It's an easy way, if you're good with words. You can post photos, some blogs are almost like a small marketplace, you can drive for sales from it or you can simply post those handy Paypal 'buy this, you'll love it' sort of button things on it and voila, money for stuff!

There are websites, there are online sales venues, there are auctions and forums and social networking sites and tweeting and ... when do you have time to actually MAKE anything, much less photograph it, list it, describe it, name it, give it some loving cuddles before sending it out into the big bad world?

Well, there's a way to create a systematic approach. It's not perfect and it only works if you work at it. Is it your job? Then treat it that way. If you had a boss and a time clock to punch, you'd regulate how things go. Make a list of things to do, then work them into a useable schedule.

Mondays: an hour of Facebook, chatting about wanting desperately to get on the torch, upload photos and natter. An hour of reading bead forums for hints on how to make beads, a half-hour to have a drink (tea, coffee, Hawaiian Fruit Punch are possibilities) and plot how to take over the glassy world with your stunning new techniques. Two hours of torching then, if you manage to tear yourself away from the computer. If that's proving the stopping block, where you can't progress along your schedule and Tuesday seems like a month away, get a timer for your computer, that turns the internet off after half an hour.

Tuesday: have we reached that point yet? Twitter first, check for sales on Etsy, ArtFire, Crafts'r'us etc ad infinitum. Write up descriptions for the beads you did actually make, anneal and clean, and photograph after the computer shut down via the timer you installed yesterday. Check your Paypal account for enough money for more glass and frit. Check your Facebook... and there goes the internet. Get on the torch!

Wednesday: beads cleaned, photographed and ready to go before you even thought to twitter, facebook, surf, blog or get on the forum! Go on, get that timer, make a list of the things to do weekly and DO them.

Thursday: even less time online, with a frantic eye on the timer, you're amazed at how much you got done in such a short........

1 comment:

belvedere beads said...

you gave me a big smile!