It was a lovely summer, we went to Cornwall and came back to the news that the computer we'd ordered from would never arrive as they'd charged our credit card for it the day they announced they were going into receivership! Nice. Thanks. Then we tried to order from Dell. I won't go into that exciting roller-coaster ride, except to announce that during the process the laptop decided that suicide was better than redundancy and we ended up with no Dell computer and a dead laptop!
Enter Mesh Computers. And we're back!
There's a new online shop now, which is proving to be as amusing as being reincarnated as a money who hasn't figured out how to get his hand out of a monkey-trap but it's getting better slowly. At least the photos match the bead sets, and that does go a long way when you're trying to run a business. It was that or just put everything up in a 'grab bag' and ship what we liked. Fun for us but maybe not good business practice.
Mike's away for the week to Ireland taking a course with Michael Barley. When he returns, I'll lock him in the shed for a week and see what he makes. I've re-done the shed door while he's gone, so I can slide food trays through much easier than before. He apparently kept spilling the tomato soup, the poor thing!
More news and more regular blogging as I get used to the keyboard and recover my passwords.
Thanks for stopping by.